Mar 23, 2011

daffodils and a cane pole

I felt a little bit like a country song yesterday. Daddy's gone fishin', baby's pickin' flowers. You get the idea. It was just too nice out, and since we've been feeling cooped up this winter, we decided to break in Emma's fishing pole. A Barbie fishing pole. That she LOVES. She is so enthusiastic about everything, it's just so darn cute. She was thrilled to go fishing with her dad, so I offered to take pictures.

It must have been our lucky day, because Roger caught not one, but two fish. (cue the Dr. Seuss rhyme). Emma had a great start - casting and reeling, and even calling for the fish to come. But as all three-and-a-half-year-olds do, she lost interest, and found greater pleasure in the daffodils. The best part for me was breathing the warm fresh air, hearing the woodpeckers and seeing my family together, enjoying the outdoors.


  1. Stunning pics Erika!! Looks like so much fun! OXO Natalie


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