Mar 29, 2011


Keeping our funny bone alive, this one. I keep a cube note pad & pen by my bed (you know, for all those annoying middle-of-the-night-emergency-thoughts). Emma likes to doodle on it while I change the sheets or put away my clothes. After she finishes her masterpieces, she starts stashing. She likes to stash them between the pages of my book, tucked inside my shoes and inside my underwear drawer. She gets a big kick out of me finding them. As soon as I show her my discoveries - I kid you not - she usually asks me if I want her to 'sign her work'. Where did that come from?!

Anyway, thing is, she's getting pretty good! She went through a period of anal retentive circles (think reeeeeeallly small circles, hundreds of them on a sheet of paper). Then a letter "T" phase. Well, now it's an astronaut/alien hybrid. I think it's pretty darn hilarious. She's awesome.


  1. Aliens definitely in #s 2 and 3. But #1 looks like a bird clinging to a branch. Ha! She is very talented! Just like her momma.


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