Jan 27, 2012

Favorite Things Friday

I've seen other bloggers do this, and it really is fun.  This is just a little group of things that I've/we've been loving recently.

1).  Target girls Jeggings.  These things are the BOMB!  My sis turned me onto them.  Emma is built just like me - long waisted with short legs.  Even with adjustable waist jeans, pants just never fit her right.  Well, helllllooooo ladiessss.  These are fantasic.  They pull right up, and go with practically everything.  She tucks them into boots or wears them with her twinkle toes.  We picked up two pairs the other day and wore one to school today.  She came home ranting and raving about them being the best pants she's ever worn.  Done.  And done.

2)  Kashi frozen pizza.  I always stock up on a few frozen pizzas for our usual Friday night pizza night.  Usually the basic ones are fine, and I throw on some veggies and extra tomatoes.  But then I discovered Kashi brand frozen pizzas.  If you're a Kashi fan, you know how GOOD their stuff is.  The pizzas are great too!   The three of us can split one pizza, and I feel good knowing that we're eating a decently healthy meal.  My favorite part is their Flax Seed Meal crust.  We usually get the Mediterranean ones, but the others are fab too.  Dinner in 10 minutes?  Um, okay!

3)  My black and tan boots.  They rock.  They're the only boots I've owned that did NOT gap at the top of the calf.  Minor detail, but I am anal retentive about boots fitting me properly.  Plus, they go with everything!

4)  The Cooking Light's Way to Cook Vegetarian cookbook.  Cooking Light has a series of Way to Cook cookbooks and they are all visual guides to cooking.  This?  Is for me.  I need pictures - lots of them.  I happened to pick this one up at the library, and I've already tagged it up.  This could be revolutionary for me. We eat pretty well, but I always want to find a way to incorporate more vegetables - especially into breakfast and lunch.  We're not going to go full bore vegetarian, but I like to have a couple nights a week where dinner is meatless.   It's recession chic.  :)  Roger enjoys a good protein, but Emma doesn't eat much, and I could take it or leave it.  So this is a good compromise for all of us.  I LOVE visual guides when cooking.  Definitely a favorite for us, give it a try!

5)  Spinach smoothies.  Ok, before you get all turn-up-your-nosey at me, just hear me out.  It's JUST like any other smoothie you would have, except it's green.  I'll give you that.  For this one, I threw some bananas, frozen berries, frozen mangos, a little orange juice, a little water and a handful of baby spinach in a blender.  That's it.  The raw baby spinach doesn't taste like much (the strong flavor comes when cooked) and everything else is sweet.  I topped it with whipped cream for fun.  I've been getting a request for this daily, so I'm clearly not forcing anyone to do anything they don't want to do :)

6)  Sundown Naturals Vitamin D3 caplets.  There's been a lot of talk recently about Vitamin D deficiency.  I didn't worry about this as much in San Diego, but according to some research most people living in the Mid-Atlantic, and Northeast USA are not getting enough Vitamin D.  I started taking these a few months ago (as soon as the days threatened to get shorter) and I definitely think it's improved my mood.  I take 1000 IU of Vitamin D3 a day, along with a Calcium supplement, Cod Liver oil and Folic Acid.  I am always interested to hearing people's vitamin stories.  What do you take?

Happy Friday!


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