Emma is a busy 3.5 year old. She was born busy. She's always moving things, stashing them here, stuffing them there. She's always finding a bag to carry her things in, and when her bag is full, she adds stuff to her doll's purse. Some people call her the "hoarder". We'll find stuff stashed inside drawers, hidden under pillows, and shoved between doors. I'm not sure where this falls developmentally. Is it spatial recognition? Fine motor skills? Precursor to being a cat lady?
I finally decided to document the randomness I find on a daily basis.
When she does slow down, she loves to build hot dog bridges.
We have two sick popsicles here - Em is the only healthy one. One sinus infection and one Type-A flu is really cramping our pre-spring style. This is pretty much how we're feeling these days.
Luckily, the medicine is helping and everyone is napping. We are SO ready for sunshine!!
In preparation for Valentines Day, her teachers at preschool asked the kids to list one thing they love. They posted the list outside the classroom for all the parents to read. Lots of love on that list - I love my brother, I love my mom & dad, I love my bed, etc. Emma's answer? "I love the whole, wide, everything".
I FINALLY got the HD video on my mark ii figured out and thought I'd give it a shot tonight. It really is pretty fun to know that I can take a video and stills using the manual features of my camera. In other words, I can adjust the aperture, ISO and shutter speed of the video settings too! So, for tonight's example, I had really low light, but I just adjusted a few things and was able to capture what my point-and-shoot video probably wouldn't have. Kinda fun!
There's always a price to pay for technology, and in this case, the HD videos take up an ENORMOUS amount of space. The clip below takes up almost 600MB of space. Compare that to one, unedited jpg coming straight from my camera at 2MB, you can see how I will eat up hard drive space fast! It seems I have to go through an extra step of converting the video in order to upload it to my smugmug...and in the process of converting/compressing it, I think the quality got reduced, bah!! I'm not sure I'm doing it right, so I'll keep trying.
It's still pretty cute. Here's Emma's rendition of "Brown Bear, Brown Bear". Some of you probably know this book by heart, but if you don't, the "woman, woman" part is funny, because it's supposed to be a teacher. :)