Jul 27, 2010

naptime FAIL

Soooooo....this is how much destruction one little pixie can make in 30 minutes. She was told, as is the custom every afternoon, to take a nap. I even let Parker sleep in her room (a new development - he helps 'protect' her at night). The painter was here, the house was untouchable and I had to get some work done.

After 15 minutes, I heard her thump out of bed, and she quickly informed me she was NOT tired and did NOT want to go to sleep. She was hungry. She had to go potty. She needed another story. She had to change clothes. She wanted Barbie instead of Kitty. She couldn't find the orange paci. She wanted me to give Parker a high five......... You know the drill.

Finally, I gave into the reality that this little firecracker would not rest, so she was told she could have 'quiet time'. The rule was she had to play quietly and safely by herself. She couldn't bother me or Chris the painter (her new best friend). The door stayed open, but no matter what, she had to stay in her room.

She did.

I came back to find she had been very busy 'or-danizing'.


  1. OMG! So funny. We are this close to transitioning to the big girl bed and I'm bracing myself now for the same drill.
    Duct tape?

  2. locks from the outside! (wink) :)


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