Oct 31, 2009


Happy Halloween!!

It will be an interesting day for sure. 2 of us already have sinus infections, and the 3rd (me) is fighting it tooth and nail. We've tried to take it easy this week, stay close to home and get lots of rest. But there's no rest for the weary! So much to do! House projects are in full swing and today we have to paint the entire upstairs (well, Roger will do the hard labor and Emma and I will supervise and keep ourselves busy). Then we have a neighborhood Halloween happy hour, followed by trick-or-treating with Morgan & Tommy!

Emma can't wait for that part. We've been practicing our trick or treat and she is VERY excited about wearing her costume. Luckily, Parker is just as enthusiastic - he'll make a great Hansl. :)

Happy Halloween from Hansl & Gretl!


  1. too too cute. she is rocking her gretel costume like nobody's business. would not be surprised if she gets double the treats (which means more snickers bars for mommy & daddy).

  2. absolutely adorable costume! I hope you both had a great time and hope to meet up with you guys soon :)


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