Mar 20, 2011


This was one of those events that you picture going a little.....differently. I don't know why I expected everything to click the first time. Emma was SO excited to ride her bike. I found the bike last year at a consignment sale, but her legs weren't long enough to reach the pedals, and she just wasn't that into it. She got her basket and her streamers for Christmas and this year, has been patiently waiting to bedazzle her bike with them and go for a spin.

Yesterday was gorgeous outside and she was so pumped. I could hardly stand it. She had seen other kids riding their bikes, and she wanted to learn so badly. She kept telling me, "Mom, I'm not going to give up!" Ugh - melt my heart!! Within five minutes though, it was clear that this was hard work - for both of us. I am usually so good about explaining how to be safe, what to do with this hand, and how to move that leg. I was totally unprepared and more importantly, totally unrealistic with my own expectations. I was trying so hard to balance encouragement and praise with letting her learn by herself. I didn't want to do it for her, but it was so hard to see her struggle to turn the wheels. It's one of those experiences that we adults take for granted. Keep your eyes up, steer with your hands, pedal with your feet, push back to stop, stay to the right. That's a HECK of a lot for a little brain to process. I think it was an epic fail on my part as a mom, because I did get frustrated (mostly with myself) and by the end of the lesson, she was yelling at her feet to focus. :( I let dad take over, and he did much better, being the natural cyclist that he is, with a seemingly endless supply of patience. XO. :)

With the weather being so nice, the lake path was crowded, so our efforts were compounded by the fact that we had to stop every 2 minutes to let the fasters go by. In the end, it was a good experience for all of us. I think the highlight for her was having a basket on her bike. That was more thrilling than anything else! She enjoyed the snack breaks we had every 30 seconds, "Hold on mom, I need a drink. Hold on mom, I need a snack. This is a lot of work". Yes it is my dear, but we're not going to give up! :)

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