Happy New Year!
You can expect to see some changes around here, since I'm doing a lot of consolidation. Despite my track record over the last year or so, I love having a blog. In fact, more nights than not, I lie in bed thinking of funny and clever things to write about (this is usually whilst trying to fall asleep. Isn't that always the way it works?!) I want to get back into making regular occurences, but I think I'm going to stick to one blog (my photo blog) for the clever wit, and use our neglected smugmug account to fill in alllll the gaps. You see, I got to a point where I was taking SO MANY photos, that to stop and pick a few, edit a few, and come up with something interesting each time got to be overwhelming to me. And if I got behind, the perfectionist in me wouldn't allow me to just skip over stuff so I just did nothing. I know, brilliant plan.
Anyway, to anyone who might still be reading this blog, just know that there is tons of stuff to check out still. I am in the process of backing up allllll my photos onto our Smugmug page (you can check them out here if you have a *lot* of free time). This solves my problem of having to pick anything in particular or 'significant'. It's our day-in-day-out pictures, so that I don't feel like I am missing anything. I am combining photos from my camera, photos from Roger's camera, photos from 2 video cameras and from my cell phone. This way I can get the whole shebang to document our life. It will serve as my virtual scrapbook, with this one thrown in for variety.
Shamefully, I have been walking around with over 300 pictures and videos stored on my Blackberry. Sometimes, the phone is just easier to grab! It never really occurred to me to do something with them. I kinda forgot about them, but OH! I can download them onto my computer! In about 2 minutes! There are some great stories in these files. Weeding through the last 18 months of crackberry pics/vids, I came across this little video from last March. It's hard to believe this was almost a YEAR ago but it's a classic. Tia (my sister) and Margot came to visit us, and Margot had just turned 6 months old. Emma and Margot took their very first bath together (first of many) and it was one that neither Anna nor I will ever forget. These cousins are exactly 2 years apart in age so it's going to be fun using these videos as blackmail when they get older and even CONSIDER stuffing pillows under their covers and sneaking out...
I'll set the stage for you. Picture it, Sicily, 1941....ok just kidding (a little Golden Girls reference for ya). Since they were bathing in the big tub, Margot used the bumbo to keep her stable. Well, the bumbo was also Emma's bath "toy" and she wasn't real interested in sharing it. But she did, and Margot got to sit next to her in the bath. However, every time Emma would get upset and raise her voice, it would scare Margot, who would then get upset and start to cry (and raise her voice). Emma finally got to sit in it at the end (yes, she still fits into it!) We made this little video to send to Gigi so she could see them interact. You might want to grab your volume controls so that you can adjust accordingly. It starts out really loud and then quiet and then loud again. Hope you find it as amusing as we did! :)
PS - Check. out. those. rolls.