I've lost my blogging mojo.
It's true, you've probably already figured as much, so it's time to come clean.
But let me just fill you in on why:
1) Swine flu. We are finally humanoids again.
2) I have 128 GB of pictures on my computer. Yes, giga-bytes.
3) House projects - painted emma's room & bathroom: check.
Painted hallway/staircase railings: half-check.
Upstairs carpet: coming Friday.
Powder room: plumbing complete. Drywall: exposed.
Hardwood floors: Ordered. Received. Roger lugs 36 boxes into the house. Wrong color. Roger lugs 36 boxes back to Lowe's. Delivery estimated for December now. Good times.
4) A ridiculously happy, energetic, loud, bossy, funny, energetic, busy, bossy, loud 2 year old. Need I say more?
5). Dora. All day, every day (if she'd have it her way).
6) Mom (me) having five photography clients in one month. And oh yes, 128 GB of pictures on my hard-drive that need attention.
7) Lots of fun meeting new mommy & child neighbors, trips to the horse stables and the library, and the carousel at the mall and new adventures every day.
8) House projects - hours of calling, getting quotes, price-shopping, material-shopping, more quote-getting and back and forth decision-making.
9) Fun weekends on the boat.
10) A loud, happy, busy 2 year old and 128 GB of photos clouding up my brain.