Oct 29, 2008

 walking and kissing

I intended to take a short video of emma's crazy walking skills. But in the end, I got a great video of her kissing skills. :) Love. Her.

the kissing bandit from Eeks on Vimeo.

Oct 25, 2008

 Happy Fall!!

The Santa Ana winds are finally dying down, and it's starting to feel like fall around here. We had a wonderful time yesterday at our friend Winter's house. She and Emma met in utero (hospital tour for mom's) and they're pals in napping crimes. :)

Thank you to Tia for the beautiful fall dress!!

How PRECIOUS are these two???

Oct 15, 2008

 birthdays and black eyes

Finally getting around to posting this. It's been busy here at Popsicle Central. Three different people have caught the cold! I think we're finally on the mend now. If only the weather would decide which direction it was going to go!

So we spent a week back east celebrating Emma's first birthday with family and friends. She ended up having more than one celebration, what a lucky girl! To make things more interesting, Emma decided to start walking on the trip. And everyone knows that with walking comes bumps, and bruises, and yes, the occasional black eye. So she had a little black eye under her right eye (see below) for her birthday celebrations. She's a tough girl, though. I think she was almost proud. :)
"I'm so excited! I get to have FOUR birthday cakes this week!"

On Friday night, we had her first birthday cake and singing at cousins Morgan & Tommy's house. She loved everyone singing to her, and hanging out with her fun cousins!

We had a Virginia celebration on Saturday, the 27th. Thank you to Aunt Sarah for the beautiful party dress! We got to hang out with G.G., and Tia and Uncle Andy, our special, wonderful Emma (for whom little Emma was named), friends from New York, Florida and Portland, cousins and more! It was great, and Emma loved being the center of attention (before taking a nice long nap in the closet. hey, she slept like a champ!)
On Sunday, we had a birthday celebration for her in Maryland with family. She had a beautiful Princess Cake handmade by Aunt Kelly and cousin Morgan:

Gammie created an amazing birthday Princess party for her Precious Angel. It was a fairytale dream! Just look at this spread!

When it came time for Emma's cake, she was a little tired, but she's still a party girl through and through. She loved her birthday treat!

The wonderful legacy of her first birthday, is that she was able to share it with THREE other generations!! That's right, she had two paternal great-grandparents at her party, and we had to capture it on camera:
What a lucky girl she is. She got lots of wonderful books, clothes, baby dolls, games, puzzles, handmade sweaters, two necklaces, a handmade book by Aunt Kelly and more. The best gift of course, was just having our loved ones around us to help celebrate this little treasure. I think she enjoyed herself immensely and we look forward to many more! Thanks to everyone who worked so hard to make her day so special!

For the rest of our trip, there are simply too many pictures to post at once, so take a look at ALL of them here:

Oct 7, 2008

 relocation package

Poor Parker. He probably feels second-rate these days. First he had to give up some prime real estate when Emma was born, and we had to reduce his stately pillows from three to one. Now, he's having his food and drink relocated at will. Luckily, he's a mellow dude. But if we ever wake up to find a giant poop log on Emma's rug, we'll have an idea of who the suspect is. :)

Movin' from Eeks on Vimeo.

 One year visit!

Emma had her 1-year appointment this week with our wonderful pediatrician who, after 2 minutes in the examination room said, "my, she sure is a busy little lady". That's our popsicle!

She weighed in at a healthy 20.5 lbs (43%), stands 29.5 in high (63%) and head circumference was 17.5 in (37%). She did have a lead test due to our older rental home, but everything came out in the clear. Our doctor said that she's doing great with her signing, and walking and interest in books. Hooray! The one thing we do have to work on is getting her off these bottles. She'll drink just about anything we give her (milk, soy milk, rice milk) but it HAS to be in her bottle. Oy. So that's our next challenge!

To commemorate the occasion, we took a picture of us at our favorite post-pediatric coffee-break spot: Bird Rock cove. Here she is at 4 days old:

and here we are a year later! Happy Birthday little star!

Oct 6, 2008

 Birthday Extravaganza part 2

We spent a week at home celebrating Emma's first birthday with as many friends and family as we could visit. We started off the birthday celebrations in Virginia with mom, Tia, Uncle Andy and a great group of friends and family. Thank you Aunt Sarah for Emma's beautiful party dress!! It came off after the cake, so half the pictures are of Emma running around in her bloomers. She loved being the center of attention, that's for sure!

Oct 3, 2008

 Stay tuned....

Emma's first birthday celebration post coming soon!
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