Apr 28, 2008

 R-O-A-D T-R-I-P!

We took our first road trip with Emma this weekend, to Phoenix for Katie's wedding. The drive wasn't that bad, but there wasn't much to look at. We made it in around 6 hours each way (a little less coming back) and it was really the only time Emma was unhappy. She's never liked her carseat, and being stuck in it for 5 hours is borderline torture. But I kept her pretty distracted with toys, books, peekaboo, border patrol and she even managed to doze off here and there. The best part of the whole trip was that we got to hang out with Tia and Uncle Andy, G.G. and Opa!

I thought I'd start by posting a picture of -gasp- yours truly. Being the photographer (that I am NOT) I am always taking pictures and never in them. So here's one to serve as proof that I exist:
Here are a few snapshots of the Royal Palms Resort and Spa. This place is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. There is no detail left undone here, everything is meticulous, beautiful, relaxing and so so so cozy. My favorite part is the big armchairs sitting on the porch, under ceiling fans, in front of bubbling fountains. How's that for sensory relaxation?

Apr 22, 2008

 Open Letter Tuesday

Emma decided to spend the afternoon cranking out a few letters. My, her typing skills are getting good!

Here's what she had to say:

Dear Mr. Santa Claus,

I know it's a little early in the year to be writing you, but I am a bit of a planner. I wanted to let you know that I have been a very good girl so far, and to please add me to your list. I give my mommy and daddy lots of hugs, kisses and giggles. I even pet my brother Parker on the nose. I can't wait to see you this year. If you're curious as to what you can bring me, how about some snow? See you and the gang in December!


Emma Bear

Dear Harvard, Princeton and Yale,

Thank you so much for your offer letters of early admittance. Please accept this letter as a notification of deferral. I have about 17.5 years to learn how to skip, read, tie a bow, swim, and do arithmetic before I can be ready to take on higher education.

Let me take this opportunity to keep you informed of my progress to date:

  • I have an A+ in Home Ec, because my mommy says I LOVE FOOD.
  • As for handwriting, I am pretty good at splashing in water, so I'd give myself a B.
  • Musical abilities - definitely a B+. Is screeching considered soprano or alto?
  • Fashion: Please.
  • Finally, in History I'm getting a C. Mostly because I have a hard time learning about the War of 1812 when there are no pictures in the books!!

Anyway, thanks again for your generous offer. I'll check back with you regarding my honors thesis when I get to kindergarten. I look forward to meeting your staff in 2025 for a final tour of the campuses, where I will make my final decision. Until then, keep up the good work.


Emma Bear
P.S. - Check out my tooth!

Apr 20, 2008

 the week in review

Sweet potatoes on a hot day....... clean up is a cinch!

Waking up from a nap - Emma, how many pacifiers do you need??

Look ma, no hands!
What's bigger, my cheeks or my eyes?!

I love shopping at baby boutiques!

Apr 12, 2008

 Houston, we have a tooth!

It must have popped up in the last 24 hours, because I always check her gums during bath time. Tonight, I felt the little sharp edge of her bottom left tooth which has broken the surface! I don't know why this seems so monumental to me - seeing that she's mastered so many milestones recently (holding her own bottle, sitting up and lunging, rolling over and over, eating solids, etc.) For some reason, this little tooth made me so excited and so sad at the same time. I am really going to miss this awesome gummi smile - but I bet it will be replaced with an even better one. ;)

Apr 11, 2008

 Caption this!

 Happy Anniversary!!

Not in the way you think......October isn't for another six months. :)

Three years ago today, we moved to San Diego from our home back east. It's hard to believe it was three years ago. In fact, I've lived longer in this house, than I did in our townhouse in Maryland! (which also didn't have a dishwasher - so that makes five years without one! ask me how I really feel about it....)

A lot has happened in three years!
  • We've celebrated 30th birthdays, 40th birthdays, 60th birthdays, 80th birthdays and 95th birthdays!
  • Our poor Jeep got broken into not once, but twice!
  • Parker experienced (and quickly got used to) his first private, dogs-only beach
  • We've had close to 20 *separate* groups of visitors - wow!
  • We've seen whales, and dolphins, sea lions and we swam with sharks (yes, really) - all in their natural environments.
  • We've made new friends from Hawaii, Switzerland, Guam, California and a few from back east
  • We've *driven* to Las Vegas through the Mojave Desert (I highly recommend that for everyone) and seen the famous Joshua Tree featured on the cover of U2's best album EVER)
  • We celebrated the last PB Block party, and the last summer where alcohol is allowed on the beach (probably a good thing)
  • We've eaten our hearts and minds out of the best local mexican food - that will be hard to give up
  • One of us has accumulated over 200,000 miles of air travel!
  • One triathlon, two weddings, three Christmases, four visits from our friend Tom (hehe - we love you buddy), five trips to Tijuana (I think I'm done) and so much more
  • On top of all of this, Roger successfully opened a west coast office and we expanded our family

I'd say we've done a lot in three years - I wonder what the next three years will bring?

Here are a few shots of our first month here:

Taken at the top of Mount Soledad, during our househunting trip in January 2005.

In front of our house - I am seeing it for the very first time. We had a beautiful bouquet of flowers waiting for us from Todd & Cathy. How sweet!

What else are you going to do living 5 blocks from the beach?

My boys......doing what they do best: coffee and walks.

Parker at his very first dog beach. He was so sore from all the swimming and jumping over waves that he literally couldn't walk for two days!

Apr 7, 2008

 did somebody say BATH TIME?

Oh man do we looooove bath time. Can you tell?


Awesome mohawk!

What do you mean I have to get out???

 We missed you!

I can't tell who is the most excited to see Roger in this picture. Emma is playing it cool. Parker, on the other hand, needs to learn to be more subtle.

 I wonder who it could be?

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