Sep 12, 2007

A pregnant woman WILL change her mind!

Ok, today's post will be a lot less serious. I can *finally* post pics of the finished nursery. The only thing missing from this picture is the lamp behind the chair with a light blue shade.
As you can see - I have changed some things. I decided to go with a more romantic theme to match the furniture. So while it's not totally "shabby chic" I think it works pretty well all together. Enjoy!
Close of up the new bedding - mostly pinks and blues.

New Chair - it's awesome! It rocks, glides AND reclines. Thank you Grandma Lee!

Close up of the chair and the new lace sheers.

One of these will be her coming home outfit - I can't decide!

Her dresser, topper and the frame above it is one that *I* made 20 years ago! It says "I love ice cream". My dad kept it and gave it to me on my 30th birthday. And what better place to put it then in Emma's room? It's also apropos - I have been enjoying lots and lots of ice cream! :)

The armoire, hamper and closet door.

View of side of armoire, walking in the room.

This little pipsqueak already has a better wardrobe than either one of us! :)

And just for kicks - me at 38.5 weeks! Aaagh!


  1. hi. a lurker from nuggetsnursery. looking at your emma's room sends warm lovely chills through my body. the room is gorgeous but remembering the weeks right before the birth of my firstborn is indescribable- i can feel the anticipation of your upcoming arrival in all its glory. thanks and good luck.
    katie of

  2. Thanks! I check out your blog too - Elizabeth talks about you guys. Your kids are absolutely precious!!

    I am excited, and enjoying this time - thanks for the nice comment! :)


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